I am writing this to inform my readers that I will no longer be a co-host of the online women's apologetics book club I co-founded along with two other ladies on the year 2020. I also want to express my gratitude to every participant that crossed paths with me along the way. On May 21, 2020 I shared this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxlu7_-ztjM) inviting my YouTube viewers to join the new book club we were starting: Girl Talk Apologetics. Towards the beginning of that same year I had started looking into Christian apologetics online, and as a result of the chat room of a live video by Stand To Reason, I connected with what would become the other two co-founders and co-hosts of this bookclub. The three of us were eager to discuss Christian apologetics books with other women. In my personal experience, which was rather new, there were not a lot of options for women in particular to meet online and zoom together about apologetics books. This was also a very isolated time for many of us due to the pandemic and this was an answer to my heart's desire to connect with other believers and learn more about the truth of Christianity. It was also very fulfilling for me personally to be able to provide an opportunity for more women to get involved with Christian apologetics, and to provide a flexible and not intimidating way for them to do so. For the last 2 years, we met most Tuesdays of the year for an hour, with ladies from different parts of the world to discuss a total of nine books! We hosted Q&A's with 8 different authors, and 2 special events with special guests. I am happy to have been a part of this book club, and I know God has blessed many ladies through it, including me. I got to meet so many admirable ladies who were brave as they shared vulnerably and were very real in our discussions. I will always remember and think dearly of you all.
I am sad to say goodbye, but I believe this was a season God allowed me to be a part of, and now He is calling me to another. I trust the bookclub is in good hands, and I have loved getting to know co-hosts Patti Trotti and Anne Sands in a closer manner. I'm so blessed to close this chapter on good terms and with support from these ladies who I have learned so much from. I will treasure the time we served the Lord in this manner together, and I pray God continues to bless their efforts moving forward. Thank you once again to each participant and special guest who participated these last 2 years. I love you all.